
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sleeping In...

So today, for the first workday in I don't know how long I didn't get up to go to the gym this morning. It was weird and kinda hard to sleep in until six o'clock! I am so used to getting up and getting going.

I have my first group training session for the triathlon tonight at six. We have to run for 20 minutes. I just hope that it won't be outside since it's only about a million degrees out today!

Went bowling after work yesterday at the Red Pin, had a beer (a rarity for me on a weeknight!) and then had dinner at Earl's (yum!). Called to check on C & C in West Virginia, they haven't even called us since they left me on Sunday! They are having a great time, picking and snapping beans, building a tent, getting the eggs from the chickens and hunting for the kitties. I believe this is what it feels like to not be needed! Ha!

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