
Monday, January 17, 2011


We Morris girls never seem to have any trouble getting pregnant, but once we get pregnant we can be quite a mess.  I suffered from morning sickness and/or nausea my entire pregnancy and was hospitalized at 27 weeks with a fever and contractions, and got to make a visit to the ER for dehydration at about 14 weeks.  My older sister was in the hospital for a week before our doctor let her go ahead and have my nephew.  She also had a broken toe at the same time which was pretty funny.  Hospital beds are not designed for six feet tall pregnant women, that's for sure.

My twin sister is pregnant with what will surely be my last niece or nephew.  The little guy isn't officially due until February 23rd, and she started having contractions last Thursday, which progressed on Friday and were five minutes apart when they got to the hospital late Friday night.  I went to see her on my lunch today, and took her some of the iced sugar cookies I made for her baby shower that was supposed to happen on Saturday. 

They still have her on meds to stop the contractions, but she is still having them.  They did take her off the IV today so she can get up to go to the bathroom alot easier now, and she'll get to take her first shower since before they admitted her.  Her doctor is planning to keep her until she is 35 weeks, which would be on Wednesday.  After that it's home and bed rest until my little nephew is ready to come into the world.

Oh how I envy women that are good at being pregnant.  Women that are never sick, that work up until the day they go into labor, and don't have to spend time in the hospital, or emergency room before they give birth.  I tell my girls that the most horrible eight months of my life gave me them.  I am very lucky.

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