
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baby Shower Cupcakes…

I got home from the Y this morning at about 6:20 and realized shortly after that that I was supposed to make cupcakes for a baby shower at Josh’s work today.  Sure I had cupcakes, but at 6:20 this morning they were still in the form of butter, flour, eggs and powdered sugar.  All in their original form.

So I decided that I could get myself ready for work and bake a couple dozen cupcakes so Josh wouldn’t look like he dropped the ball.  Lucky for me it doesn’t take that long to throw together a batch of vanilla cupcakes, and once they go in the oven I had 22 minutes to hop in the shower and get myself dressed.  While the cupcakes cooled off I made the orange butter cream and dried my hair and did my makeup.

All that was left was to frost them and box them up and head to work.  Josh came by my office to pick them up and he said everyone enjoyed them.  It’s always a good day when only one cupcake was left.

He even snapped a picture for me, since I forgot to.

IMG_1019 I’m not gonna lie to you, this really is a horrible picture.  Can you tell that these cupcakes tasted like a dreamcicle?  Yum.

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