
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nuun Hood to Coast Relay Teams

I did it.  I just sent off my application video to be a part of the Nuun Hood to Coast relay team.  If you haven't heard of Nuun you should look into them.  I Love Nuun!

If you haven't heard of Hood to Coast, it's a relay, a 199 mile relay that takes place the end of August.  You start at Mt. Hood and you end in Seaside, Oregon.  How awesome would this be?

So I submitted my application, which included a short video.  Might be a little dorky, but oh well.  It's already on it's way so there's no turning back now.

Now I just have to wait until April 24th and see if they pick me.  It could happen.  I would sure love to have something like this to keep me motivated through out the hot Oklahoma Summer.

Would you run a 200 mile relay?

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