
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And Now the Depressing News...

I saw my ortho doc yesterday for what I thought would be my final visit. I've been boot/crutches free since Friday and my leg feels good. So while I am walking like a normal person I have still not been cleared to run for ANOTHER 4 WEEKS. My definition of eternity? I know you want to know this, is 12+ weeks of no running. I go back on June 5th.

So I thought I would sum up what I have missed...

Rock N Roll Dallas Half Marathon in March...

The OKC Memorial Marathon in April...

I'll be missing the Dirty 30 5k on Saturady...

And there will be no running at the Corporate Challenge the first week in June...

Luckily there are other things I can do here.  Swimming, cycling and maybe even an obstacle course.

Still, I won the 10K for our division last year and before my injury I was running way faster than I had been running in that race a year ago.  I was looking forward to what I could do there this year.

There is one race I am on the fence about.  It's the OCCC Super Sprint Tri on June 9th.  I go back to the doctor on June 5th and I should be good to go at that point.  Is it possible to train for a sprint tri when you are not able to run?  The run is only a 5k, so I just have to see if I'm willing to find out if it's possible.  Sounds scary, but I have done lots of things in the past that are scary.  Fear is good, right?  I need some motivation, otherwise I feel like I've been spinning my wheels for the last 8 and a half weeks and I still have another 4 weeks to go.


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