
Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunday Food Prep #1...

I've been seeing posts by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean talking about #sundayfoodprep and I thought it sounded like a fantastic idea.

For the second week in a row I decided to get myself together and get ready for the week. We can talk about week two next week.

Here was week #1


  • Watermelon
  • Frozen yogurt bars (I suspected these were made with tainted Chobani yogurt because the morning after I ate one I was nauseous and sick to my stomach. Not good.)
  • Soaked navy beans for the crockpot.
  • Washed and ready grapes, thanks to Carson.
  • Broccoli, carrots and Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes ready for steaming or snacking.
  • Lettuce for salad.
  • Roasted new potatoes.
  • Quinoa and stir-fry veggies. (We didn't get around to using these.)
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • Peanut butter sweet potato bites.

I think I learned a lot the first week. I was a little too ambitious and we didn't eat it all, but it was so nice to have it all prepped.

We had crockpot navy beans with cornbread and some leftovers Monday. I had steamed veggies with the roasted potatoes for lunch one day. Friday night I made roasted broccoli and chickpea tacos with some mashed sweet potatoes with some of the same seasonings.

Overall it was a huge help to have all those veggies ready to go when I needed them. Cuts down on the PB&J.


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