I am sticking with my being behind theme; this is how my life feels right now so my blog should feel that way as well.
Yesterday, I was thankful for National Public Radio. NPR for short. I love my drive time with NPR. I love that it's not all death and gloom like the evening news. It's not all happy and cheerful either; it's a nice blend of the good and the bad.
On my way to work this morning I got to listen to Frank Deford's commentary. I just love my Wednesdays when I get to hear him talk about sports. Today's story was a good one. He proposed that Greece leave the EU and join the SEC to solve their debt problems. He also compared West Virginia's move to the Big 12 to ditching Michelle Bachmann's campaign and jumping on the Newt Ginghrich bandwagon. So funny.
I also got to hear a commercial for This American Life, I love when I am in my car to catch this show, but sadly it doesn't happen very often. This week's episode is about the head of the maintenance department in a New York school that, after 30 years, he starts messing with his fellow employees. I bet that'll be a good one.
I love NPR.